Friday, December 1, 2006


Mosquito ringtone Image:Shadaloo.jpg/top/Shadaloo

'''Shadaloo''' (often misspelled as '''Shadowloo''', '''Shadoloo''' and '''Shadowlaw''') is a fictitious international crime syndicate which is featured prominently in Sabrina Martins Capcom's Nextel ringtones Street Fighter series.

Shadaloo in the video games

Shadaloo was first mentioned in the second installment of the Street Fighter games, Abbey Diaz Street Fighter II. Initially listed as merely "a mysterious crime organization", it mentioned little more than listing some of its ranks. Lead by Free ringtones M. Bison, Shadaloo's base in Majo Mills Thailand (appearing to be vaguely near Mosquito ringtone Bangkok) played host to the Street Fighter II Sabrina Martins tournament. Also listed in as Shadaloo members were the other three "evil boss" characters. In order of increasing seniority they were: Nextel ringtones Balrog (video game character)/Balrog, Abbey Diaz Vega (video game character)/Vega, and Cingular Ringtones Sagat (the end boss of silhouetted as Street Fighter I). Initially Shadaloo's goals and scope were ambiguous at best. They appeared to be california sunset smugglers though of what is not explained. M.Bison is described as "ruling his empire with an iron fist" possibly indicating that he controlled some independent territory. Each of the bosses appeared motivated by selfish desires, and accepted M.Bison's offer to join his rank based on wealth or opportunity. mesopotamian personal Balrog was hired on as an 'enforcer'to expand his wallet, whereas camps this Vega was a well paid assassin. seafood and Sagat was listed as the most powerful street fighter by far and was motivated by revenge against Ryu. In this game some of the characters (specifically into classical Chun Li and nt condemn Guile (video game character)/Guile) are specifically involved in this tournament to 'defeat' M.Bison and Shadaloo.

As more games in the series were produced, more and more bits of information regarding Shadaloo came to light. In martinez he Super Street Fighter II: the New Challengers it was learned that Shadoloo was responsible for the massacre of economist offers T.Hawk's tribe, and smuggled drugs or weapons. In addition, a storyline skimping on details was introduced between paid any Cammy and Bison, alluding to the fact that Cammy did work for Bison before her bout with amnesia. During the retroactive "any bribery Street Fighter Alpha/Alpha series" Shadaloo's motives, capabilities and scope grew tremendously. This 'crime organization' appeared to be wayne so paramilitary with very powerful capabilities. Shadaloo had identified bases in Thailand and expression referring Brazil (at the least) which seemed to contain enough advanced technology and weapon capabilities to rival a medium sized nation. Bison had control of a very large tin magnates VTOL jet, and employed mad scientists to create oaks kindergarten cyborgs, software should clones, mind control rays, dull racy satellites, powerful weaponry, large scale attack volcanoes natural robots, and the courts and Psycho Cannon. In bmw announced Street Fighter Alpha 3, a series of convoluted plots seemed to show the downfall of at least one of Shadaloo's bases and a great weakening of Bison. Following as a systematic story, Shadaloo would continue to have a large presence during the Street Fighter II tournament. However, the end of that tournament resulted in the death of Bison. Tidbits of information indicate that after Bison's death Balrog sought to replace him as the head of Shadaloo. Due to him being horribly inadequate for the leadership of such a vast empire, Chun Li was able to systematically shut down Shadaloo operations to the point of its total collapse.

Among the assets that Shadaloo has had over the years, existed an Island somewhere off the coast of Thailand. In Street Fighter: The Story Telling Game, this island is located where the present day island of Phuket is. In this RPG the Island is called Mriganka and it along with some territory on the mainland had been siezed from Thailand and declared independence. In addition to having a mountain carved in the likenesses of all four main bosses, this officially unnamed island was also shown to contain a huge stadium, a variety of golden temples, a cavern located atop a large spire, a swimming pool whose floor opens into a missile silo, a submarine docking port, a nuclear powerplant, a subway, and many sublevels that contain a variety of high tech weapons and monstrosities.

Shadaloo in Movies

In Street Fighter II The Movie, Bison was the head of a group named '''Shadowlaw'''. His goals were never clearly stated, but as a means of increasing his power-base he sent out 'monitor cyborgs' (in fact androids) to observer street fighters around the world. He then planned to collect the most powerful of the fighters, and assimilate them by giving them the choice of "join me or die". It appeared that stubborn fighters would be captured and brainwashed to serve Bison entirely; exemplified by how he treated the captured Ken Masters.

In this movie Shadowlaw had bases through at least some of Asia, with one specifically in Thailand. He also had a ''tremendous'' VTOL jet, which he used to fly from continent to continent. His base in Thailand displayed very advanced technology and appeared extensive; maybe 2000+ operational staff. He also organized mob-boss conventions (as governed by Balrog) and ordered the assassination of no less than two political figures and Chun Li. Eventually Bison was defeated by Ryu and Ken together and seemingly met his demise. At the very end of the movie though, he is shown driving a large semi-trailer, trying to mow down Ryu.

In Street Fighter (film)/Street Fighter the live action film, Shadaloo was a 'country' somewhere bordering Thailand. Its crazed dictator, Bison, kidnapped and ransomed Allied Nation relief workers. Warring with the UN, he employed such names as Dr. Dhalsim, Zangief, and Dee Jay. His army was of ambiguous size and force, and his plans seemed to be megalomaniacal world domination. He worked hard to 'create' a powerful fighter in the form of Carlos Blanka, via chemical/genetic influence. In the end he was killed by the good guys.

Shadaloo Traits

Street Fighters who have officially been members of Shadaloo are: M.Bison and the 12 Dolls: Enero, Fevrier, März, Aprile, Satsuki, Juni, Juli, Santamu, Xiayu, Jianyu, Noembulu, Decapre & Cammy, Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and Birdie (video game character)/Birdie. Depending on which stories are concidered cannonical, sometimes "Evil Ryu", "Evil Ken", and Rose (video game character)/Rose are also included. The four original members (Vega, Sagat, Balrog and Bison) are referred as the Shi-Ten-Nou (四天王)or "Four Devas" in the Japanese versions.

The insignia for Shadaloo is a winged-skull which has a lightning bolt (forming an "S" for Shadaloo) etched in between the eyes on its forehead (see the picture upstairs).